To start using this open source library go to and click on "Download FluorineFx v1.0.0.13".
Once the installation process is completed, A folder on your desktop will be created "DotNet", Navigate to "FlexToNet.AMFService\Bin" to get the dlls
required. Paste these 2 dlls into the bin folder of your ASP.NET application.
Once you have placed the two dlls inside the bin folder of your application, in Visual Studio 2005 right click on References and click Add Reference.
Browse to the application bin folder and select the two dlls.
For the communication between ASP.NET and Adobe flex to work, you need to create a dummy page called "Gateway.aspx" and add the below code to the web.config file inside System.Web tags
As you may have noticed, the dll being added to the application bin folder serves as http module which will serialize the objects and allow the communication between these two technologies
Adobe Flex
In Adobe Flex builder, create a new project of type mxml application and add the below code
import mx.controls.Alert;
private function CallDotNetMethod(event:Event):void
// Create a new instance of NetConnection class
var net:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
// Connect to your ASP.NET application
// Call a function in your application called RetrieveMsg inside a class called "Test""WebApplication2.Test.RetrieveMsg", new Responder(Result,null));
// Close the connection
public function Result(data:Object):void
// this method will be called once the result from the .NET class is received which will just display the message returned;
public function HandleClick():void
// This method will be called on creation complete event of the mxml application
ASP.NET Application
Create a new web application, create a new class called "Test" inside it add the below code
public string RetrieveMsg()
return "Hello World";
Finally you need to create a dummy page called "Gateway,aspx"
For demonstration only, this method will only return Hello world to adobe flex application.
Run the application
Once you run the application inside Adobe flex, or you added the swf file being compiled in Adobe flex builder to an aspx page, you can test the application by clicking on the button to see the alert message returning the data from the .net class
Of course you can use web services to enable this communication, but keep in mind that using webservices is slower than directly calling a .NET class. I have added the project as an attachment so you can download it and take a deeper look into it.
Hope this helps,
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